Joint Meeting - Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission
The Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission will hold a joint meeting on Monday, March 6 at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to have dialogue between the two boards and gather feedback from Board of Adjustment members on the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, the Planning Commission is interested in the Board of Adjustment opinion on whether there are ordinances that should be clarified, strengthened, or even relaxed.
As the Planning Commission has conducted their Zoning Ordinance review, they have discussed areas where the Board of Adjustment get frequent requests for variances and want their input on these ordinances, as well as others. The meeting is open to the public and those interested in viewing the meeting remotely may do so via the Zoom link located on the agenda cover page. A copy of the agenda packet and additional information may be found at the link below.