Friends of Biltmore Forest Committee


Resident Interest Groups

On April 18, FOBF hosted an event to connect town residents with similar interests.  These self-directed groups include interests like walking, stretch, new resident welcome committee, running, arts and crafts, fiber arts, etc. If you missed the interest fair and would like to be connected with a group, email us at   If you did attend, but haven't gotten your group/groups' information yet, we may need to double check your email address!  

 Mission Statement

The mission of the Friends of Biltmore Forest (FOBF) Committee is to encourage efforts within the town to beautify properties and public spaces so they more harmoniously align with the vision of the Town's creation. The Committee shall assist Town staff in efforts to improve the appearance and quality of life in Biltmore Forest by conducting citizen outreach, community education on native landscapes and architectural design, and encouraging the use of these historic characteristics with new projects in the Town.

Purpose and Guiding Principles

The committee shall make recommendations to the Town Board of Commissioners for landscape and aesthetic improvements, recommend new programs or activities for the Town, and engage Biltmore Forest citizens in the history and traditions of the Town. The committee was formed in 2018 under Section 31.01 of the Town Code with initial appointments by the Mayor.

Current Members of the Committee
Lauren Karlsson, Chair 
Elaine Goosmann
Cindy Holman
Carrie Keller
Fran Cogburn (ex-officio)
Indigo Voron

Join Us - We Welcome New Members

Do you enjoy planning events? Would you like to get more involved with your neighborhood?  Consider joining Friends of Biltmore Forest!  The committee is open to any resident of Biltmore Forest.  We meet once per month to plan regular activities for the town.   If you are interested in joining, please email Lauren Karlsson at  New committee members are approved by the Board of Commissioners at their monthly meeting. 

Little Free Library - Books Needed

Your little free library needs your help!  If you have books for adults or children that you no longer use, please drop them by the little free library in Rosebank Park.  The side facing the road is for adults, and the children's books are on the side facing the playground and fields.