Brooklawn Park Pond Cleanup
Last fall, the Town contracted with Dragon Fly Pond Works to perform clean up in the Brooklawn Park pond. The pond has received a substantial amount of silt infiltration in the 18 years since it was last dredged and cleaned. The Town contracted with Dragon Fly to perform a geotube removal of the sedimentation that has built up in the pond.
This geotube removal process is basically specialized dredging work without having to drain the pond. The material is captured in geotubes which are then spread over the ground to dry – this can be done on the pond bank below Hemlock Road. The material dries and is then covered back up with sod. The contractor will remove approximately 2,000 square feet of sedimentation in this area. Where sod is not necessary, the area will be seeded and straw placed on it in order to allow the grass to grow. This work does not require mechanical equipment going into the pond, and as such does not require an Army Corps of Engineers permit. The Town has worked with the Corps previously in the dredging of the pond, and notified them of our intention to restore the pond in this manner.
Please contact the Town's Public Works Director, Terry Crouch, at (828) 274-3919 for any additional information regarding this project.