Happenings in The Forest - 9/6/2024
Town Hall
- Sunday stretch will be taking place at Town Hall on Sunday, September 8.
- The Planning Commission meeting scheduled for September 24th has been cancelled. The next meeting is set for October 22.
- The Friends of Biltmore Forest committee will be meeting at 9:30 am at Town Hall on Monday, September 9th.
- Currently scheduled September meetings
- The Board of Commissioners meeting is on Tuesday, September 17 beginning at 4:30pm
- The Board of Adjustment meeting is Monday, September 23 beginning at 4:00pm
Police Department
- We have several new hires with BFPD. Please welcome Brandon Ball, Landon Taylor, & Jay Turney to the team! We are happy to have you here!
Public Works
- Collected garbage and recycling
- Provided utility locates
- Conducted tree assessments
- Collected daily water chlorine tests
- Serviced dog waste stations
- Mowed and string trimmed Rosebank Park and road shoulders
- Completed repair on Fairway Place storm drain
- Road striping began work this week installing thermoplastic stop bars
- Work continued on camera installations on streetlights
- Began South brush pick-up route
- Discussed planting plan for Bell Gate island
- Completed required annual Solid Waste Report to the State