May Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Board of Commissioners held their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 4pm in the Commissioners Chambers at the Town Hall. The meeting minutes from the previous month were approved, and the regular meeting began with public comment related to concerns about bear populations increasing within the Town limits. The Mayor and Board provided the resident with contact information for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Chief Beddingfield provided information on how to prevent bears from being attracted to private property.
Chief Beddingfield provided an update on speed enforcement along Vanderbilt Road and detailed the plans to purchase two (2) electronic speed signs similar to the one recently demonstrated within the Town. Public Works Director Terry Crouch relayed to the Board that Vanderbilt Road had been reopened and eight (8) total trees were removed during this project. Mr. Crouch also relayed that Dragonfly Pond Works would begin work to remove silt and vegetation from Brooklawn Pond the week of May 21, 2018. Mr. Crouch also informed the Board that all AMI cellular transmitters had been installed on the water meters in the Town. Town staff anticipates sending out information to all residents within the next month about how to access this information from a mobile device or desktop computer.
During the new business portion of the meeting, the Board approved the re-appointment of Greg Goosmann and Lowell Pearlman to the Town's Board of Adjustments, and Marjorie Waddell to the Town's Planning Commission.
Discussion then turned to a drainage analysis conducted by Anchor QEA related to the western portions of Vanderbilt Road, north of Busbee Road. The Commissioners discussed the results of the study and recommendations from the engineering group for improving drainage along this portion of the road. Public Works staff will begin the process of cleaning and inspecting storm water infrastructure in this area, as well as designing improvements in conjunction with the Town's forthcoming storm water master plan.
The Board then discussed possible revisions to the existing accessory structure ordinance, particularly as it related to fences and walls. There was direction from the Board to prepare several options or alternative for amending this ordinance to allow more flexibility in regards to fences and walls in the rear yard of a property. Staff plans to present this to the Commissioners at their next regular meeting in June.
The Town Manager then presented the budget message and proposal for fiscal year 2018-2019. Mr. Kanipe recommends no tax or water rate increase in the coming fiscal year, and highlighted key areas and project that are planned in the coming fiscal year. The entire budget message and proposal can be found here. The Board scheduled a special work session for Monday, June 4, 2018 at 4pm to further discuss the budget, and scheduled the public hearing for the FY18-19 budget for their regular meeting on June 12, 2018 at 4:30.
Throughout the course of the meeting, Mr. Kanipe discussed several ongoing projects. These included the planned construction date for the Public Works Building renovation that will begin in late August or early September, the traffic studies and considerations being undertaken along Vanderbilt Road, and an update to the storm water master plan process.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 4:30 pm in the Town Hall.