Greenwood Park Stream Restoration Project
Project Background
The Town's long awaited stream restoration project in Greenwood Park began on Monday, May 2, 2022. This project began with an application for funding to the NC Department of Environmental Quality in April 2019. Since that time, the Town received approvals and has worked with its consultant to develop a design that restores the stream bank to a more natural and environmentally suitable condition.
The first portion of the construction project is to remove existing gabion baskets from the stream banks, and replace those metal wire baskets with with a wider stream channel. The new, wider channel will be lined with boulders and native stones that more appropriately handle heavy rains. Additionally, the concrete apron currently located underneath the bridge at Stuyvesant Road will be removed and replaced with stone that further dissipates the water flow. These two combined improvements should result in reduced water flow during moderate rain events and a more environmentally suitable stream bank.
In addition to the stream bank channel improvement, two bio-retention cells are being added at the outflows of Stuyvesant and Greenwood Roads. These bio-retention cells will treat the storm water, under low flow conditions, and improve the quality of water in the stream.
Temporary Park Closure
As a result of this construction project, Greenwood Park will be closed for approximately 60 days. The construction phase of the project will occur during this time, and will result in significant impacts to the park, which limits the ability to use other playground equipment during this time. The planting phase of the project will occur in early fall 2022, and the park will be closed briefly during this time to allow plants and trees to be installed successfully in the park.
Please feel free to contact the Biltmore Forest Town Hall or Biltmore Forest Public Works with additional questions.