New Hire
New Hires can speed up the paperwork process by reading, printing, and completing the following forms. All required documentation for the I-9 and for Insurance purposes should be brought with the new hire at the time of the appointment with Town Hall. If there are questions about certain documents, please complete all of the vital information (name, dob, address, etc) and the questions will be addressed at the appointment.
All Employees (Full & Part Time)
Basic New Hire Documents
- Employment Application
- Employee Personnel Policy
- Policy Acknowledgement
- Direct Deposit Authorization
- Certifying Employee Status Under Retirement Reemployment Laws
Eligibility & Withholding Documents
The following forms are available via the link provided below. Because the forms are updated annually, the link is to the list of forms. Please choose the forms listed below from the provided links.
Full-time Employees
Retirement Information & Documents
The Town makes contributions to the full-time employees NC401K pre-tax plan. An employee can choose to make contributions to the NC401K Traditional Pre-Tax, Roth NC401K After-Tax and/or NC457B Traditional Pre-Tax.
The Town and employee make contributions to the Local Government Employees Retirement System (LGERS). The Town also makes contributions towards retiree health insurance through the NC State Health Plan. Enrollment is automated through payroll, however once a member identification number is assigned, the employee should log into ORBIT to designate beneficiaries. The employee can access retirement manuals, account summary, history, etc from the ORBIT retirement page.
Insurance Information & Documents
Medical & Pharmacy-The Town is a member of the NC State Health Plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC) for medical insurance and pharmacy benefits. Full-time employee premiums for health insurance are fully paid by the Town. Deductibles, co-payments and co-insurance are the employee's responsibility. The Town will pay half of dependent/spouse premiums plus an additional $1,500 per year. The employee pays the remainder of the premium for dependent/spouse coverage. Dependent coverage depends on spouse only, child only or family coverage and changes from calendar year. Please ask about dependent/spouse premiums.
Enrollment to the NC State Health Plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield NC) will be done at the employee new hire meeting. If adding dependents/spouse, you MUST provide the full name, date of birth and social security number for each person you wish to add. If an employee is hired before the 15th of the month, insurance will be effective the 1st of the following month.
During open enrollment or with qualifying life changes, the employee may add/remove dependents by logging into the NC State Health Plan using e-Enroll. Open enrollment will be announced and all elections are for the following calendar year.
Plan information such as benefits, coverages, deductibles, co-insurance, participating physicians, claims status, etc can be obtained by visiting the NC State Health Plan website or the Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC website.
Dental, Vision & Life Insurance-are administered through the North Carolina League of Municipalities. Enrollment for these coverages will be done at the employee new hire meeting.
Dental coverage is provided through Delta Dental. Full time employee premiums are paid by the Town. Deductibles, co-payments, co-insurance, etc are the employee's responsibility. Dental coverage information, participating providers, etc can be obtained by visiting the Delta Dental.
Vision insurance is provided to full time employees through VSP administered by MedCost. There is no vision insurance card. Vision providers and coverage information can be obtained by visiting the VSP website.
Life Insurance is provided for the employee, while employed with the Town. All employees are covered for one year's base salary. Law Enforcement Officers are covered for an additional $15,000 and State Retirement (LGERS) is payable after one year as a contributing member.
Health Reimbursement Account-The Town provides each full-time employee with a Health Reimbursement Account, through PHP of the Carolinas, and deposits $125 every month for each employee (subject to be prorated depending on date of hire for active year only). The Benefits Card may be used for qualifying transactions as outlined by the IRS Publication 502 and balances are permitted to roll forward into the next year.