Latest News


Happy Friday! Here's what's happening in The Forest:

Town Hall

The Board of Adjustment meeting for September will take place on Monday, September 23rd beginning at 4:00pm The Design Review Board will conduct their meeting at the Town Hall on September 26, 2024 at 5:30pm. A 2024...Read more

Political Sign Regulations and Information

As this year’s political season ramps up, please be advised of the Town’s regulations. Most notably, political signs are allowed to be placed on a property thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of early voting. For this year, that means...Read more


Town Hall

Sunday stretch will be taking place at Town Hall on Sunday, September 8. The Planning Commission meeting scheduled for September 24th has been cancelled. The next meeting is set for October 22. The Friends of Biltmore Forest committee will be meeting at 9:30 am at Town Hall on...Read more

Town Hall

Town Hall will be closed Monday, September 2nd in recognition of Labor Day Sunday Stretch will be held at Town Hall on Sunday, September 8 beginning at 5:00pm Currently scheduled September meetings The Board of Commissioners meeting is on Tuesday, September 17 beginning at 4:30pm...Read more

Please note, there are several changes to Board meetings in September. Meeting dates can be found on the Town's calendar on the left side of the website, and links to all agendas and agenda packets may be found on the Town's website

Meeting Dates for September 2024 are as follows:...Read more


The Town Hall and Public Works will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for the Labor Day holiday. Trash and recycling pickup will be delayed by one day during this week. The police department will remain on a 24/7 operating schedule.Read more


Town Hall

Town Hall will be partially closed for the day on Wednesday, August 7th so employees can attend the Land of Sky cookout and network with other professionals Sunday stretch takes place this Sunday, August 4th at the Town Hall Contact Leslie Brazil 828.777.9329 with any questions or...Read more

The Town of Biltmore Forest is seeking proposals from local cleaning services to clean our Town Hall, Police Department, and Public Works buildings. The cut off date for application is Wednesday, July 31st 2024. Everything is outlined in the attached Request for Proposal. Please do not...Read more


The Town Hall and Public Works will be closed on Thursday, July 4th and Friday July 5th for the Independence Day holiday. We will resume normal operating hours on Monday, July 8th. The police department will remain on a 24/7 operating schedule.Read more


Police Department

Congratulations to Officer Joe Zub: Officer Zub graduated from the Law Enforcement Leadership Academy (LELA) at A-B Tech’s training facility in Woodfin. We are very proud of Ofc. Zub and the work he has already accomplished within Biltmore Forest. We look forward to...Read more
